Essential Amino Tab

Essential Amino Tab

Essential amino acids (EAAs) are amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own and must be obtained through the diet. These amino acids play a critical role in protein synthesis and are therefore important for building and repairing muscle tissue, which can be beneficial for athletes. Some of the ways in which EAAs may be beneficial for sports performance include: Supporting muscle growth: EAAs are critical for muscle protein synthesis and can help to support muscle growth and repair after exercise. Enhancing recovery: EAAs may help to enhance recovery after exercise by reducing muscle damage and inflammation. Improving endurance: EAAs may help to improve endurance by reducing the breakdown of muscle tissue during exercise and by supporting energy production. Supporting immune function: EAAs are important for immune function, which can be beneficial for athletes who are at risk of infections due to high levels of physical activity.

100 Tab
300 Tab
€ 15.99

Uso raccomandato

1 porzione al giorno da assumere prima, durante o dopo l’attivitá fisica oppure durante la giornata

Valori Nutrizionali

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Spedizione gratis sopra ai 20 EUR
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Design & Development by Sebastian Moreno